
Merry Christmas!

Hey Everyone!

We wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Spread the happiness all around you and enjoy yourself!

Stephanie & Monika xoxo


The Struggles with Body Image

Its confession time... In today's society so many women struggle with their body image. Every women wants to look a certain way...I had a young lady about 18 yrs old come up to me at the gym and say "You look awesome! I wish I could look as good as you and feel confident". The look in her eyes was heartbreaking. I could tell this beautiful young lady was struggling with her body image. Its not talked about often but so many female's struggle with their bodies. Even I have! I told her my story. How I struggled with the way I looked and how I struggled years with an eating disorder. Yup that's right I said eatingdisorder. Long story short at the end of the day I learned to love my body including my imperfections. It wasn't easy let me tell you but i worked super hard at it every single day and im so much more happy. Women have to learn to love their bodies for what it does and not so much for how it looks. Women need to focus on making the most of what they've got and think more positive about themself vs. thinking so negatively. So to all you women reading this hold your head a little higher and walk a little taller...You are all beautiful in your own way! :)

Stephanie xo


Just a little update

Hola my fellow Beastettes!

As you've probably noticed me and Monika have already started making changes to the blog. You are going to notice things changing until we both think its perfect!!! (ohhh the joys of being perfectionists...lol) If you want to see certain things or have any suggestions please feel free to contact us by email or by leaving a comment! We want to make this blog as useful as possible for all of you :)

Also just a little update on my bikini prep. The picture below is taken two week apart. I never really noticed any change since i started 4 weeks ago but after seeing these pictures side by side I do see I've leaned out a little, YAY! It's amazing what a good diet can do!
sorry about the poor quality!

Have a lovely weekend!

Stephanie xo


Steady State Cardio Vs. HIIT Cardio

Cardio, you either love it or you hate it! Some say you have to do hours of cardio and some say not to do any or very little. Some say its better to do steady state cardio and some say  HIIT (high intensity interval training) is the best way to go. With a lot of information being thrown around about cardio it’s easy to get confused about which route to take. I personally am not a lover of cardio, however cardio is important and I will explain why it is important and the difference between steady state and HIIT.

So why should we do cardio? Well the heart is a muscle and like every muscle in your body if you want to strengthen it then you have to work it. Cardiovascular activity places stress on the heart, it forces your heart to work! Not to mention the post-workout benefits of cardio; decreases resting heart rate and blood pressure, increases lung and heart rate volume, lowers LDL cholesterol and body fat and lastly, it improves circulation and strengthens connective tissue. The benefits go on but I think you get the point J
Steady State Vs. HIIT?
Steady state cardio is exactly that, it’s a cardio workout that is continuous with a steady effort. Steady state cardio is usually performed for a longer period of time versus HIIT training. HIIT is a little more intense, it is a short period of vigorous effort followed by a period of rest (and by rest I mean not as intense). Because the intensity is high, HIIT is not performed for a long period of time like steady state cardio can be. Below is a chart that lists some of the pros and cons of both steady state cardio and HIIT.
                                  Steady State                                                                            HIIT
So which is better? Well that depends on both your goals and personal preference. I personally like doing both. Right now while prepping for my competition I am training both. I switch everyday between steady state and HIIT, I do both for 30 minutes each session. I usually do steady state on the Stairmaster and my HIIT on the Elliptical Cross Ramp. I sometimes try and do my HIIT training on the treadmill but I have horrible knees and running really irritates them! Also I like to perform both steady state and HIIT fasted, Yup that's right on an empty stomach! This is a whole other topic though so I won't go into detail with fasted cardio. Everyone is different and you need to do what works best for you!
Have a great day!
Stephanie xo.


6 Pack Lunch Bag

Okay if you don't have one of these well then you need to go and get one!! Seriously they are awesome and super convenient! I know you are probably thinking "okay Steph calm down it's just a lunch bag" But its not "just a lunch bag" it's "The lunch bag!!!" I just bought one over the weekend and I love it! I cant believe I didn't get one sooner! Its perfect if you are competing (or even if your not competing) because it has so much room to fit in your six meal oh and btw it comes with the containers, amazing right! Plus it comes with ice packs and a supplement holder! I got it from GNC, I looked on their website but for some reason it's only available in stores. Here is the website of the company that makes them :)

Stephanie xo

What a great weekend!

Hey everyone!
Can you believe its already December??!!! Craziness!  I hope everyone had a great weekend because I definitely did :) I got to spend it with the gorgeous and lovely Monika. Monika has been helping me with my bikini prep. She recently competed in a bikini competition and placed 2nd, she looked AMAZING! On Saturday we went to the last OPA fitness show of the year which was fun, followed by some shopping where we somehow ended up in the peanut butter aisle of the grocery store!! We may have a slight addiction ahaha! Then on Sunday we had a great booty and hamstring workout. After our workout Monika helped me with my posing, which BTW I'm getting more comfortable with :)
I have some exciting news that I will be announcing this week sometime! So keep checking back!!
Stephanie xo


My Biceps and Triceps Workout

Hi Everyone!

I got emails asking how I got my arms so toned so I thought I'd share ,y current workout with you all. My arms have always been toned due to my gymnastics background, so I haven't had to work too hard on building them. However maintaining is still a priority of mine! I train arms once a week, but remember when training chest, back and sometimes shoulders your arms are also being worked! #Winning lol. You will see that my coach has me doing supersets. What are supersets? Well its basically doing 2 or more exercises back to back, either working the same muscle or working different muscles. I love doing supersets!
Arm Workout:

Superset 1. Repeat 3 times
Cable Biceps Curls- 12 reps
Triceps Extension (rope)- 12 reps
Superset 2. Repeat 3 times
EZ Barbell Curl- 10 reps
Triceps Dips- 10 reps
Superset 3. Repeat 3 times
Dumbbell Biceps Curl- 10 reps
Dumbbell Overhead Extension - 10 reps
Stephanie xo


Tips When Buying Bikini Competition Heels

I'm not going to lie I feel like a fit version of Cinderella with these shoes!! Some people call them "stripper" shoes but I like to keep it classy so I'm going to go with Fit girl bikini shoes! I wish I had a guide to help me find these because it was a mission to get my hands on a pair that actually fit!!
If you are thinking of competing or are competing and looking for shoes I'm going to give you some tips :) First tip and probably the biggest tip i can give is buy local NOT online! I bought a pair online from the US, I ordered a size 9 but when I got them they were too small!! (they fit my mom who is a size 6). Trying them on instead of guessing if they will fit is a much better way of going about buying these shoes, it will save you time and stress. Make sure they fit the requirements for the competition you are competing in. different affiliations have different rules, I know for OPA they have to be 5inch and clear. Decide if you want a  more narrow toe or square toe. They say if you have a wide foot its better to get a more square like toe but honestly I preferred the more narrow toe. Do you want a little bling or do you want to keep it simple? I personally like to keep it simple so i got the clear ones with no diamonds, but the ones that i tried on with diamonds are very nice as well! Lastly, do you want an ankle strap or just a slip on? Okay this was a big thing for me, I originally wanted the ones with the ankle straps because i could just picture my foot slidding out of the slip on versions, but i actually found the slip on ones better!  These shoes are super snug and the strap that goes along the front of your foot comes up high so your foot should not slide. If you are not use to wearing heels its a good idea to just wear them around the house for practice. Yesterday I was prepping my meals in them :)

I bought mine from HERE : Contact Colleen (She is Awesome!!)

F.S.S Blogger xo



For the next 18 weeks I have to pack and bring my meals everywhere i go (yes EVERYWHERE!!).  It's going to take time to get use to but it's important I stay on track. Nutrition is such a big part in geting ready for my show! #bikinprep :)

Have a great day!

F.S.F Blogger xo


Exciting News!

Hey everyone!

So I have some pretty exciting news, I recently became part of the Ripped Princess Team! I will be competing in a bikini fitness show on March 21 2015. A couple months ago I was planning on doing one and even started preparing but I wasn't sure if it was really "my thing" HOWEVER after going to watch the November 8th show in Mississauga it really had me thinking that maybe this is "my thing". I loved the atmosphere and everything about it! I will be posting update every week on my journey to the show! So stay in tuned :)


F.S.F Blogger xo


It's really not that complicated!

Okay so I'm sure many of you have seen or heard the latest news on Kim Kardasian and her new weight loss/waist slimming tool..Well if you haven't she recently posted a picture on Instagram wearing a corset that slims the waistline to form an hourglass shape. I would first like to say I have nothing against Kim Kardasian, I think she is a beautiful women and I am sure she is kind hearted. However after hearing my sister tell me how she wants one of these to help her lose weight it really bothers me! I tell my sister its really not that complicated if you want to lose weight there is no magic pill or magic tool. You have to work for it by eating healthy, working out and being consistent. Changing your bad habits for one week is not going to change you. Change takes time and you have to be patient! So ladies please don't fall for these gimmicks!

Have a great day and weekend!

F.S.F Blogger xo


My staple Food Items

I never go a week or even sometimes a day without the following foods in my diet! I actually crave them if I don't get my dose!

1. Cellulor Isolate protein
2. All natural peanut butter
3. hard boiled eggs
4. bananas
5. Fruit salad
6. rice cakes
7. Canned tuna
8. mixed raw veggie salad


WOD (Bum Day)

Smith machine squat: 4 sets of 10 reps

Lying Leg curl: 4 sets of 10 reps

Pistol squat: 3 sets of 10 reps per leg

Stiff-legged barbell deadlift: 3 sets of 10 reps

Plie dumbbell squat: 3 sets of 10 reps

Calf raise: 3 sets of 20 reps

Resistance band glute kickback: 3 sets of 15 reps

Box jump: 3 sets of 10 reps

Dumbbell single-leg deadlift: 3 sets of 10 reps

Glute kick-up on hamstring curl machine: 3 sets of 10 reps

Black and Red




Just though I'd share my workout today. You can do this at home because there is no equipment required.

Here is the breakdown:
1 minute high knee run
1 minute military plank
1 minute jump squat
1 minute jumping jacks
1 minute push ups
1 minute burpees.

Repeat this 3x with 2 minute rest in between.

Have a great workout!
F.S.F Blogger xo

Pre and Post Workout.

I was looking through Pinterest (like many of us do) and i came across this picture. I thought it was pretty easy to understand for those who want to know what to eat before vs. after a workout.

Complex Carb + Healthy Fat = Pre Workout.
Complex Carb + Protein = Post Workout


Purple and Plum

Good Morning!

Okay ladies so they recently brought a accessory store to Canada, It's called Charming Charlie. I absolutely love it! Not only because there jewelry is super fashionable but also because the pricing is reasonable! I'm pretty sure I spent about an hour in there yesterday lol. Here is there website: http://www.charmingcharlie.com/

Have a wonderful day!

F.S.F Blogger


Todays Workout

**Sorry about the blue dots I dropped my phone :(
Cardio- 30 minutes of interval training on any cardio machine.

Wide grip pull up- 4 sets, 8-10 reps
Close grip pull down- 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Cable row- 4 sets, 12-15 reps

Barbell Curl- 3 sets, 10 reps
Alternate Hammer Curls- 3 sets, 8 reps each arm
Dips- 4 sets, 8-10 reps
Triceps Extensions- 3 sets, 10-12 reps
Triangle Push ups- 3 sets, 12-15 reps

Gone Nuts for Nut Butters

There are plenty of reasons to explore different nut butters. There are different nutritional benefits of that you can get from different nut butters. Almond butter packs three more grams of healthy monounsaturated fat (which is good for your heart) per serving than peanut butter. Walnuts have one of the highest amounts of omega-3 fatty-acid-rich foods, which is great for those who don't like or eat fish. But another reason is that all of these nut butters are super delicious! Just remember to keep a few of things in mind. First, nut butters are still considered a “butter” and are high in fat, so they should be consumed in moderation (1 tbsp.). Yes, it's good fat, but there is a limit on how much your body needs before it turns into not so good body fat. Second, look for nut butters with as few ingredients as possible. The ingredient list on your almond butter should only say "Almonds”. It should not have a list of ingredients that says; "Almonds, sugar, hydrogenated vegetable oils, salt, mono and diglycerides. There are a variety of nut butters, my favorite is probably good old peanut butter!

F.S.F Blogger xo

Smoothie me up!

Happy Monday!  Recently I've been addicted to smoothies! I love them because they are quick and easy to make and they are super yummy! When making a smoothie I make sure I have a good balance of complex carbs, (fruit, oats, or bran buds) healthy fat (nut butters, avocado) and protein (isolate powder, almond milk). I like having them for either breakfast or for a post workout!


Apple Picking

This is a little throwback posting to last weekend! Thanksgiving weekend I did some apple picking with my sister, brother in-law and nephew. We had a blast and I must have eaten like every type of apple! You’d be surprised how different the apples taste when they are organic…Super yummy!

Fall Has Arrived

Well fall has finally arrived... I’m not a huge fan of the cold but I do love fall fashion! Here are a few fall looks for you all!

Happy Friday!

F.S.F Blogger xo


No Carb Pancakes

2-3 egg whites
1 scoop of protein powder (your choice)
1 ½-2 tbsp water 1 tsp baking powder
**Top with 1 tbsp of your favorite nut butter
Directions: Mix all ingredients together in a Magic Bullet or by hand. Mixture should be thick. Spray pan with non-stick cooking spray (you must spray your pan or they will stick). Cook for 1-3 minutes, then flip and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Serve warm. I top mine with 1/2 cup of berries or half a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter and Sugar Free Syrup.


National Bum Week


It must be National Bum week this week!! I don’t know why but this week I’ve been asked 6 times (and its only Wednesday) “I want a bum, what exercises do you do for your bum?” …. I’m sure it varies with each of us, but most women I talk to want to improve their glutes (a.k.a bum). I’m pretty lucky in the bum department, and I owe that to gymnastics!! It really helped shape my bum (so I kind of have a head start), along with good bum genes (thanks mom and dad!)…ahaha… Anyways there are tons of exercises that I do to target the glutes.  It’s important to remember when doing exercises that involve lunging or squatting make sure you are putting the weight in your heels and not on your toes (I actually lift my toes in my shoe which forces me to put the weight in my heels) and also making sure you are focusing on squeezing your glutes. Doing this really gets those glutes burning! J
Here are some of my favourite exercises:
Squats- 4 sets of 20 reps (I use 25+25 (plates) + 40 Barbell= 90lbs)
Walking lunges – 5 sets x20 reps
Single leg lunges (Put your back leg up on a bench) – 3 sets x 20 reps on each leg (I use 50-60lbs barbell)
Sumo Squats with 20lbs dumbbell-  3 x 30 reps
Cable kickbacks- 3 sets 15 reps on each leg.
 Box jumps- 3 sets 20 reps.
Step ups holding 20lbs dumbbells in each hand- 3 sets 15 reps each leg.
F.S.F Blogger xo


H&M Pink and Grey

The whole entire outfit is from H&M :)

I didn't buy everything at once but it just so happened everything came to together and before I knew it everything I was wearing was from H&M 


Navy, Ivory and Grey

Blazer and blouse - forever 21
Shorts- dynamite
Purse- H&M
Shoes- Walmart (for $7..AMAZING right!!)


Classy Dress

Dress and Blazer is from Dynamite
Shoes are from Ann Taylor
Purse from H&M

Progress :)

Hey Darling’s!

So here is an updated picture on my journey to my fitness competition J I’ve had bronchitis for the past week but I am doing my best to work through it! Doing cardio when your lungs pretty much feel like they are collapsing is not fun what so ever but these are the time when you have to push yourself and stay positive. I’m down 8lbs and about 4% body fat.

Have a great day!

F.S.F Blogger xo


What do I eat?


I get asked all the time "What foods do you eat?" "What foods do you stay away from?" "Whats your diet like?" So many question on my diet which I love getting! Exercises and diet/nutrition come hand in hand. You want to lose fat? Build muscle? You need to do both diet and exercise. Here are some of the foods I love!...and then some that I'm not a huge fan off!

Good Protein Foods:
  • Lean red meat
  • Chicken (no skin)
  • Turkey
  • Fish
  • Low fat dairy - except for eggs

Don't be afraid to eat whole eggs as most of the nutrients are in the yolk. Avoid processed meats, high fat meat.

Good Carb Foods:
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Yams
  • Beans
  • Corn
  • Brown rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole grain products (I don't really eat bread but I love rice cakes!)
  • Veggies(these are fibrous carbs) and fruits such as strawberries
  • Bananas
  • Pears
  • Grapefruit
  • Apples

Carbs To Avoid:
  • Cookies
  • Cakes
  • Pastries
  • Candy
  • White flour
  • High sugar foods

Good Fat Choices (in moderation):
  • Low fat cheeses
  • Cashews
  • Avocado
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Peanut butter
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • High fat meats
  • High fat dairy
  • High fat salad dressings
  • Deep fried foods
  • Butter



    My New baby's!

    Finally found a pair of white and grey Nike's!! I can't wait to go to the gym today just so i can wear them lol...I've recently been obsessed with wearing grey, black and white. I got these from Champs.

    Have a great day everyone!
    F.S.F Blogger xo


    Hot Chocolate Coffee!! Must try!


    First of all HAPPY FRIDAY everyone!! Finally...It's been a crazy and exhausting week!

    So I woke up this morning and had a brilliant idea!! (brilliant ideas coming from my brain don't happen very often...just saying lol) I decided to sweeten my coffee I put in Walden Farms Sugar free Chocolate Syrup!! Well let me tell you it's AMAZING! It's like hot chocolate with a hint of coffee!! chocolate and coffee, what more could a girl ask for?!!? I bought the syrup from Metro Grocery store but you can also get it on Walden Farms Website. Click here for website.

    Have a great day!
    F.S.F Blogger xo


    My Bikini Competition Diet


    I just thought I would share my bikini competition prep diet! This is what my diet for wee 1-4 looks like:

    Breakfast: 1 scoop of whey isolate protein, ⅓ cup (uncooked) instant oatmeal and  10 almonds
    Totals: 240 calories, 20g protein, 22g carbs, 8g fat

    Mid-morning Snack: 4 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast, 3 oz sweet potato, boiled or baked, without skin, 1/4 of avocado.
    Totals: 258 calories, 26g protein, 17g carbs, 11g fat

    Lunch: 4 oz skinless, boneless chicken breast, ½ cup long-grain brown rice, 1 cup chopped broccoli, boiled or steamed
    Totals: 263 calories, 29g protein, 34g carbs, 3g fat

    Midday Snack: 1 scoop whey protein isolate, ½ large (8") banana with 1 tbsp natural peanut butter
    Totals: 271 calories, 29g protein, 19g carbs, 9g fat

    Dinner: 5 oz cod, 1 low carb tortilla. Salad: 2 cups mixed greens 10 almonds, crushed ¼ cup cherry tomatoes, quartered ¼ cup red onion 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    Totals: 328 calories, 32g protein, 32g carbs, 9g fat

    Evening Smoothie: 1 scoop of whey protein isolate
    Totals: 158 calories, 38g protein, 0g carbs, 1g fat

    Daily totals: 1,518 calories, 174g protein, 124g carbs, 40g fat


    Weight Training Workout

    Hey! I hope everyone had a great long weekend! My weekend kinda sucked..I had plans to go camping for the first time but unfortunately i got sick!! Booo! Anyways heres a back and chest workout :)
    Back: 4 sets, 15 reps of each exercise.
     One arm bent over rows (left/right)
    Lat pull downs
    Reverse grip lat pull down
    Chest: 3 sets, 15 reps of each exercise.
    Laying chest press
    Dumbbell flyes
    Butterflies (using the machine check out link-http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/butterfly )

    Cardio- 30 minutes of interval training on treadmill- 30 second walk, 30 second jog, 30 second spring. Repeat this for a whole 30 minutes :)


    Leg Workout!

    Good Morning!
    As many of you know i love training legs! I started lifting heavier weights and im noticing such a difference :) Here is the break down:

    Warm up:
    20 body weight lunges (both legs) Example
    3 x 15 Leg press Example
    3 x 15 curtsy lunges left/right (with barbell) Example
    3 x 20 box jumps Example
    3 x 20 thigh adductors (using machine) Example
    3 x 20 thigh abductors (using machine) Example
    3 x 15 leg extensions Example
    3 x 15 hamstring curls Example
    3 x 15 calf raises Example
    Cardio: interval training on stairmaster
    Make sure to stretch out those legs!!
    F.S.F Blogger xo



    "Zucchuffins" Recipe

    So what do you call a muffin made out of zucchini?! A "Zucchuffin!" Sounds kind of weird to put a vegetable in something that is suppose to be sweet but the zucchini actually makes these muffins super moist :)  
    2 cups oat flour
    1 tsp. salt
    1.5 tsp. baking powder
    0.5 tsp. baking soda
    1 TB cinnamon
    1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
    1 cup
    granulated sweetener (i.e. splenda or stevia)
    3 TB
    coconut oil, slightly softened at room temp
    2 tsp. vanilla extract
    1 cup nonfat plain
    Greek yogurt
    1 whole egg
    2 egg whites
    1.5 cups finely grated zucchini (approx. 1 medium)
    How to Prepare:
    1. Put the yogurt, egg, whites, and vanilla extract to the processor and blend until smooth.
    2. Add all other ingredients except the zucchini and pulse until the batter has a smooth consistency. Then, stir in the zucchini with a spatula.
    3. Remove the processor bowl and put in the fridge for approximately 30 minutes to set.
    4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
    5. Lightly grease a jumbo 6-cup muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray and distribute batter evenly into each of the muffin cups. (Note: I used a fancy scone form, but a regular jumbo muffin tin will work just as well).
    6. Bake 25 minutes, or until the tops gently bounce back when touched and a toothpick comes out of center of a muffin clean.
    7. Cool for at least 10 minutes before eating. Enjoy!

    Hard Work + Patience = Weight loss

    Happy Friday Everyone!

    Okay so I've said it many times before and I will say it again..."there is NO magic pill for weight loss". It's a lifestyle change that takes a lot of hard work, dedication and patience. Weight loss is really not that complicated! To some it may see like it is but it really isn't. Here are my 5 essentials to remember when trying to reach your weight loss goal.

    1. Eat clean foods! Fruits, veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains.

    2. Strength training!! Add weights to your workout and I don't mean those little pink 3lbs weights, I mean the heavy kind!!

    3. Do cardio! Either a steady state cardio or interval cardio at least 5 times a week for 30-45 minutes.

    4. Eat smaller meals more often. instead of three big meals, have 5-6 smaller meals every 3hours. Remember portion control!

    5. Be patient! If your looking to change in one day I'm sorry but that not going to happen. You need to give it time. If you see that nothing is changing after 1 month then you have to re-evaluate what you may be doing wrong.

    6. Okay so I know I said "5" but this is kind of a bonus...Ask me! I'm always here to help! Just shoot me and email or leave a comment :)

    Have a great weekend!
    F.S.F Blogger xo


    Having a hard time putting on some girly muscles?! This might be why...

    Sometimes its hard for girls to put on muscle. It can be for a number of reasons! Are you making any of the following mistakes?!

    You’re Not Eating Enough
    Not eating enough calories is probably the number one mistake you can make when trying to gain muscle. There are many women who are overtraining and not eating enough to fuel their bodies. Try to keep track of the amount of exercise you are performing and the number of calories you are taking in over a week. You might be in a calorie deficit? If you are not providing your body with enough calories or nutrients to stimulate muscle gains, then your body is not able to build muscle! Try adding an additional 15 – 20 percent more calories as a starting point. If you feel you need more or less then adjust until you find the right balance for yourself!

    You’re Cutting Your Protein too Much
    You also need to ensure that you are eating the right portion of protein. If you are not providing your body with a sufficient amount of protein, it makes it difficult to build or even maintain your current muscle mass. A good starting point is to make sure you are getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Make sure to choose high quality sources of protein that delivers all of the essential amino acids that your muscles need in order for them to grow! High quality protein include: lean red meat, eggs, whey proteins, chicken, turkey and fish.

    You Think Carbohydrates are Bad
    Complex carbohydrates are essential for muscle building. Carbohydrates are your body’s preferred energy source. Your body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in your liver and in your muscle tissues. If your metabolism is high and you have no problem putting on weight, it means your body is burning through its supply of carbohydrates quickly. You’re your carbohydrate levels are low, the body will switch from glycolysis to the process known as gluconeogenisis, which basically means protein get converted into carbohydrates as an energy source. This is not good if you are looking to build muscle because your body is utilizing your hard-earned muscle for fuel. You should be providing your body with a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates, so at least 30 – 40 percent of your caloric intake. Choose complex carbohydrates, which are digested slowly. Some good selections include: whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, bulgur and sweet potato.

    You’re not Eating Enough Fats
    Being deficient in essential fatty acids (EFAs), can have a bad impact on muscle growth. EFAs help to preserve muscle tissue and even decrease body fat. They can also assist in amino acid uptake, increase insulin sensitivity, provide building blocks for growth factors, boost testosterone production and assist with transport of important nutrients in and out of the cells. Fats also have the highest caloric value of 9 calories per gram, they are a great way for getting in your extra calories. Some healthy fats include: coconut/olive oil, avocado, nuts, nut butters and flax seeds.