
National Bum Week


It must be National Bum week this week!! I don’t know why but this week I’ve been asked 6 times (and its only Wednesday) “I want a bum, what exercises do you do for your bum?” …. I’m sure it varies with each of us, but most women I talk to want to improve their glutes (a.k.a bum). I’m pretty lucky in the bum department, and I owe that to gymnastics!! It really helped shape my bum (so I kind of have a head start), along with good bum genes (thanks mom and dad!)…ahaha… Anyways there are tons of exercises that I do to target the glutes.  It’s important to remember when doing exercises that involve lunging or squatting make sure you are putting the weight in your heels and not on your toes (I actually lift my toes in my shoe which forces me to put the weight in my heels) and also making sure you are focusing on squeezing your glutes. Doing this really gets those glutes burning! J
Here are some of my favourite exercises:
Squats- 4 sets of 20 reps (I use 25+25 (plates) + 40 Barbell= 90lbs)
Walking lunges – 5 sets x20 reps
Single leg lunges (Put your back leg up on a bench) – 3 sets x 20 reps on each leg (I use 50-60lbs barbell)
Sumo Squats with 20lbs dumbbell-  3 x 30 reps
Cable kickbacks- 3 sets 15 reps on each leg.
 Box jumps- 3 sets 20 reps.
Step ups holding 20lbs dumbbells in each hand- 3 sets 15 reps each leg.
F.S.F Blogger xo

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