
My Top 3 Health Tips

I got asked the other day in the gym if I could give my top 3 health tips what would it be? There are soooo many tips that I could give but if I had to pick just 3 that I swear by, it would be these:
1. Drink lots of water: I drink at least 2L of water a day, sometimes up to 4L! It is so important to stay hydrated and to drink lots of water, water helps keeps thing regular especially when talking about your digestive system.
2. Get your sleep! I don't know about you but I need my beauty sleep. If I don't get at least 7 hours I'm a complete disaster the next day. Sometimes if I don't get those 7 hours I will take a power nap at some point through out the day, whether it's on my lunch or after work before the gym. Sleep is so vital for your health!
3. Listen to your body. I just started doing this about a year ago. I use to be one of those people that follows a certain plan. Eating every 3 hours even if I wasn't hungry, going to the gym and following a very strict workout routine even on days when I was super sore or sick. I found once I started listening to my body that's when I started to notice a big difference. Not necessarily the way I looked but the way I felt! Your body is amazing and it has its way of speaking to you. Now when I'm hungry I eat, if I am sick or sore ill rest. Listen to what your body is telling you and do what works fore you.
So there you have it! What are your top 3 health tips?! I would love to hear them :)
Stephanie xo

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