
Sometimes less is more

Sometimes less is more...especially when it comes to make up!

I always struggle when trying to write a post on makeup and beauty products because it's not really my area of expertise. I only started wearing makeup when I was about 20. Being the fashionista that I am, one would think that I would totally be into makeup, but for some strange reason I'm not. I'm all about things looking natural, so I guess that's part of the reason I don't have much interest in makeup. I do receive compliments and questions about my makeup routine from time to time so I thought it would be a good idea to recap it. I've done posts on my makeup routine before and a video which you can check out HERE but it's been a while so here is my current makeup routine and products that I like for not only affordability but for the a natural look and no skin irritation (Hello to the ladies with sensitive skin, I feel your struggles!)

Step 1: Making sure I have a clean face. I always carry facial wipes around because I hate when my skin feels dirty!

Step 2: Apply Primer; This Arbonne primer is honestly amazing! I've gotten so many people hooked on it because it leaves your skin feeling like silk...literally! Also it’s all natural and is great for people with dry or sensitive skin. (You can purchase this by clicking HERE)

Step 3: Apply BB Cream; I know this isn't actually called 'foundation' BUT I use it as one! I honestly thought it was the same thing as foundation but apparently not lol (See what I mean I'm horrible when it comes to make up). I love it because it is so light on your face and it makes your skin look clear and like it has a natural 'tan' to it! 

Step 4: Apply Blush; I use Carol Baker, which I actually got awhile back when getting my makeup done for my birthday. I just started wearing blush and I love it! This specific one goes on super light and gives you a 'rosy’ cheek' look, which is super cute for spring/summer. Again this is a high quality product that is from Visage (Seriously become a member at Visage you get wicked special offers when you sign up! Not to mention they are great at doing eyebrows)

Step 5: Apply Eyeliner; Okay is it just me or is eyeliner a pain to put on! I can't use liquid eyeliner because it just takes too much focus and when it comes to makeup I'm not about that lifestyle...lol. I like to use a pencil liner because I find it easier to apply. The thing with pencil eyeliners is that you need to find one that goes on easy so you don't have to do like 10 layers just for it to show, I find Rimmel works best and I just stick with dark black for colour.

Step 6: Apply Mascara; I find it so hard to find mascara that doesn't 'clump' or that doesn't bother my eyes. I love this one because it doesn't leave my eyelashes clumpy. Unfortunately will never be able to buy this brand again because I got it in Italy as a gift! Boo! I still haven't found one that I LOVE but one day I will (if you ladies have any suggestions please do share!)

Step 7: Apply Lip Balm; Fun facts about me...I HATE lipstick! I don't know why but lipstick just doesn't work with me. My throat gets sore for some weird reason and I just hate the feeling of having it on my lips, not to mention I'm super paranoid about it smudging and me not knowing! Instead I use a coloured lip balm or lip chap. I usually go with Maybelline Baby Lips; it comes in a ton of cute colours. Red or pink tones are my favourite and I find look best on me. 

P.S My makeup bag is from Victoria Secrets (I LOVE it)

So there you have it 5 products and it literally takes me less than 5 minutes. This is my makeup routine for any occasion...Yes even fancy night outs and weddings. Like I said I'm all about the natural!

If you are interested in purchasing any Arbonne products let me know and I can get you a discount! You can check out their products HERE.

Have a beYOUtiful day and a fabulous long weekend!

Stephanie xo

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