

Good morning,

Okay girls its time to get out your guns! I hear so many girls say "I want to tone up but I don't want to lift weights because I'm going to get bulky". Well ladies that's a myth...If you want to tone up cardio just isn't going to cut it. Yes cardio helps but to tone you need to build muscle which requires you to pump some iron. Still thinking you're going to get bulky? Well your not and here is why...  Women don't have the testosterone levels to put on a ton of mass, if you were to compare a males testosterone levels to a females you would notice a big gap. Another reason is that to put on mass you have to consume a ton of calories..like I mean a lot!  So basically what I'm saying is that ladies you can lift weights and not worry about bulking up, even those girls who are trying to bulk go to the extreme and work extremely hard and yet it's still difficult. Now head to the gym and pump some iron!

F.S.F Blogger xo

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