

In march I turned the big 2-5... Ever since I was little I wanted to be 25 years old...I'm still trying to figure out why I would want to be an adult, because being an adult requires adulting and as we all know adulting is hard! Nevertheless, besides wanting to be an adult, I wanted to be 25 because I thought by that age I would 'have it all'. What I mean by having it all is; having a job that I love, being married and starting a family. My parents married young and had my brother (the first born) at the age of 26! I wanted the same thing, but as I'm sure some of you can relate life doesn't always go as planned. When I turned 25 I told my mom 'Mother, I'm having a quarter life crisis'. A single 25 year old women, working towards her dreams. As much as I wish I had what I dreamed I would have when I was younger, I'm happy the way my life has played out and it wasn't until last week that I realized this. For the last 4 months I've been overthinking every decision I have made and thinking what if I would have done things differently, would I have had everything I ever wanted by the age of 25? The answer to my own question is; life is what it is and things aren't always going to go the way you planned. The important thing is to do whatever makes you happy and to work towards the things you want. I may not be married, I may not have a family but when the time is right it will happen. As for my career, I'm getting closer and closer to where I want to be. So I may not have it all right now at the age of 25, but one day I will and with that in mind I'm happy!

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