
I'm not weird, I'm just a limited edition

TOP (look-a-like), LEATHER LEGGINGS, SHOES (on sale for $69.99), BAG OR THIS (look-a-likes because this one is no longer available #SORRY), SUNGLASSES (on sale for $49.99), WATCH 

Good morning peeps and happy 'pre-Friday'! Today on the blog I wanted to do something different. So I am sharing with you guys some weird/fun facts about me. You may or may not already know some of these or some of you may even notice just by my posts. Alright so here it goes!

#1: I only drink warm or hot water...Weird right? I cannot stand cold water! I don't know if it has something to do with brain freeze, or the simple fact that I hate feeling cold. The thought of drinking cold water just makes me feel cold!

 #2: I have this weird obsession with cute coffee mugs and water bottles. I literally go to Winners and Home Sense just to browse their mugs and water bottles. You may notice in A LOT of my pictures I'm probably holding a mug or water bottle, or it's somewhere in the background. I should start playing 'can you spot the mug or water bottle?' ahaha...

 #3: I have to sleep with socks on and wrapped up in a soft blanket. Yes i realize i'm 25 years old NOT 5 months old, lol... It gives me a sense of comfort and my room is always so cold, so I like to be all bundled up from head to toe!

#4: 99.9 % of the time I have oats for breakfast and the weird thing is I don't warm them up, like normal people do. I'm not a huge fan of the texture when oats are cooked.

 #5: In the mornings while i'm getting ready I put on Shania Twain and dance around my room. Ohh common...I bet 90% of you do the same thing at some point through out the day! I'm not the only weird one lol.

#6: I go through a packs of gum like nobodies business, I love gum! My favourite is the fruity kinds!

#7: When I eat an apple or pear I eat the ENTIRE thing, with the exception of the stem, and yes thats including the seeds and core. I owe this weird habit to my Dad...Thanks Dad! I saw him do it when I was little and ever since then I've done the same. No food goes to waste! ahaha... 

Well there you have it some fun/weirds facts about me. What are some fun/weird facts about you? Leave a comment below, I would love to hear!

Have a great day!
Stephanie xo

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