
Transformation Tuesday

I have been working really hard on my training and diet! I tried doing the fasted cardio and I love it except for one factor. To get my fasted cardio in I would have to get up at 5am because I have to be at work for 8;30. I found that come 5pm I was exhausted and I still had clients to train in the evening plus hit the gym for my weight session. I wouldn't get home until 10pm and by the time I showered and got ready for bed it was 11pm, then I had to be awake again for 5am. It was too much and I was completely drained! I'm not saying I didn't like fasted cardio I actually loved it and I still do it on weekends when I'm not so busy, but as for the weekdays it's too much for me. I did find it worked very well and I do recommend it to those that are able to fit it into their schedule with a decent amount of sleep. Remember sleep is extremely important so just make sure your not sacrificing your sleep time to get your fasted cardio in. I'm still training really hard doing both cardio and weights just put into one session instead of splitting it up. As for my diet it is still pretty much the same :) (posted my diet a couple blog posts ago).

F.S.F Blogger xo

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