
Fasted Morning Cardio...

Hey everyone!

Recently I've heard a lot about this fasted cardio trend. What is fasted cardio? Well the name pretty much says it all. If your goal is fat loss then I personally believe that the best time to do cardio is before breakfast or at least 4 hours after a meal. Here's why, when you have a meal before a cardio session your body will use those calories for energy where as if you were to do fasted cardio your body doesn't have those extra calories and therefore uses the extra fat that is stored in your body. So you know what that means? All that extra fat you want gone starts melting off, how awesome is that?!  I don't usually do fasted cardio because I usually hit the gym after work to do both my cardio and weight lifting BUT  I've decided to give it a shot! Getting up at 5am to hit the gym for my fasted cardio session then at night hitting the gym again for my weight training (I have a life I swear!)  I started today and will do it for a week or two and see how it goes. Here's the before pic (sorry for the bedhead hair but I literally woke up, through on my gym clothes and took this picture. Plus it's 5 freaking AM  #sorrynotsorry) In a week ill post my progress :)

Have a great day!
F.S.F Blogger

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