
Take a Rest Day...


Are you one of those people that feel guilty taking a day off from the gym? You feel like if you do miss a workout then your body will automatically change? Well I use to be one of those people, I could never take a day off from the gym because I felt guilty and like my body was going to completely change if I took just one day off (you're probably thinking this girl is crazy but I am sane I swear!). It's tough for those who are fitness freaks but it is very important to take a rest day to let your muscles recover. During recovery your body adapts to the stress of exercise and also allows the body to replenish and repair damaged tissues. If you don't give your body a rest day then your muscles will never have time to recover. Many fitness fanatics don't understand the importance of a rest day so they over train there bodies. If your not sure how to tell if you are overtraining visit this website: http://www.builtlean.com/2012/06/05/overtraining/ ... it has great information on overtraining! Now don't get confused....I'm not saying that on your rest day you sit on a couch all day and do nothing! You should still be active... I like to go shopping, bike riding, paintballing (I suck but whatever its still fun! Lol) and play with my puppy. Find something active that you love to do on your rest day. So to sum it up take a rest day.. and as my mother would say "I'm not asking, I'm telling you for your own good!!!....lol :)

Have a great weekend everyone!


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