
Day 5 of My 7 Day Bikini Body Workout.

Happy Friday and happy day 5!

Well it's finally Friday! I hope everyone has something exciting and fun going on this weekend! I'm planning on going to the beach tomorrow for the first time this summer woohoo! Today is the last workout until Monday so you will have 2 rest days. Now when I say rest day that doesn't mean you sit at home on the couch! It's summer and there is so many fun physical activities to do! Anyways todays workout includes shoulders and abs :)

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
F.S.F Blogger xo

Warm up-10 minutes steady state on Stairmaster
Cardio- 30 minutes on Stairmaster doing intervals using the "fat burner" program on the machine
Shoulders: Do 12 reps and 3 sets of each exercise:
deltoid raises
over head press
Arnold dumbbell press
barbell rear deltoid raises
front deltoid raises
Abs- repeat each exercises 3x.
Plank- 20lbs weight on back, 1 minute
Side plank (left/Right)- 1 minute each side
Stability ball knee tucks- 20 reps
Leg lifts (straight legs or tuck)- 15 reps

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