
Day 1 of my 7 Days Bikini Workout...

Alrighty so its Monday and its time to pump some iron! This is day one of my 7 day bikini body workout. What are we training today?! Well its shoulders and abs followed by some fat burning cardio! Here it is:  
Monday:  Shoulders, Abs and Cardio

Warm up- 10 minutes on Stairmaster on level 13.

Shoulders: Do 12 reps and 4 sets of each exercise (for weight chose a weight that challenges you. You should find the last 2-3 reps are almost impossible to do)

deltoid raises
overhead press
Arnold dumbbell press
barbell rear deltoid raises
front deltoid raises
Abs circuit: Try doing this circuit with NO rest!
30 crunches
20 bicycle crunches
30 toe touches
20 reverse crunches
15 side plank hip lifts (R)
30 crunches
15 side plank hip lift (L)
40 Russian twists
30 bicycle crunches
15 oblique v-ups (R)
20 reverse crunch
15 oblique v-ups (L)
10 laying leg lifts

Cardio Session: 30 minute steady state on Stairmaster level 13 (If you’re not a fan of the Stairmaster try another cardio machine that you like J )
Remember its suppose to be hard and challenging, If it's not then add more weight or do more reps and sets. Don't forget to stretch after!
Have a fantastic workout!
F.S.F Blogger xo

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