Sometimes its hard for girls to put on muscle. It can be for a number of reasons! Are you making any of the following mistakes?!
You’re Not Eating Enough
Not eating enough calories is probably the number one mistake you can make when
trying to gain muscle. There are many women who are overtraining and not eating enough to fuel
their bodies. Try to keep track of the amount of exercise you are performing
and the number of calories you are taking in over a week. You might be in a
calorie deficit? If you are not providing your body with enough calories or
nutrients to stimulate muscle gains, then your body is not able to build
muscle! Try adding an additional 15 – 20 percent more calories as a starting
point. If you feel you need more or less then adjust until you find the right
balance for yourself!
You’re Cutting Your Protein too Much
You also need to ensure that you are eating the right portion of protein. If you are not providing your body
with a sufficient amount of protein, it makes it difficult to build or
even maintain your current muscle mass. A good starting point is to make sure
you are getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Make sure
to choose high quality sources of protein that delivers all of the essential
amino acids that your muscles need in order for them to grow! High quality
protein include: lean red meat, eggs, whey proteins, chicken, turkey and fish.
You Think Carbohydrates are Bad
Complex carbohydrates are essential for
muscle building. Carbohydrates are your body’s preferred
energy source. Your body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in your liver and in
your muscle tissues. If your metabolism is high and you have no problem putting
on weight, it means your body is burning through its supply of carbohydrates
quickly. You’re your carbohydrate levels are low, the body will switch from
glycolysis to the process known as gluconeogenisis, which basically means
protein get converted into carbohydrates as an energy source. This is not good
if you are looking to build muscle because your body is utilizing your
hard-earned muscle for fuel. You should be providing your body with a
sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates, so at least 30 – 40 percent of your
caloric intake. Choose complex carbohydrates, which are digested slowly. Some
good selections include: whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, bulgur and sweet potato.
You’re not Eating Enough Fats
Being deficient in essential fatty acids (EFAs), can have a
bad impact on muscle growth. EFAs help to preserve muscle tissue and even
decrease body fat. They can also assist in amino acid uptake, increase insulin sensitivity, provide building
blocks for growth factors, boost testosterone production and assist with
transport of important nutrients in and out of the cells. Fats also have the
highest caloric value of 9 calories per gram, they are a great way for getting
in your extra calories. Some healthy fats include: coconut/olive oil, avocado,
nuts, nut butters and flax seeds.