
What is L-Arginine?

Hey Everyone,

So I recently introduced a new supplement for my bikini prep. It's called L-Arginine. Funny story...My co-worker thought I was taking illegal substances because she said the bottle "looks like its hard core stuff" ahahaha...Her face was priceless! Well just to set the record straight I am NOT taking any illegal substances. I'm all about natural, nothing illegal is entering this fit chicks body! Any who if you are wondering what this supplement does here are a few things that L-Arginine helps with from a fitness perspective: 
  1.   promotes nitric oxide production, essential for optimal blood flow 
  2.   increases natural growth hormone secretion   
  3.   helps  increase  mass/strength/power 
  4.   can reduce muscle and general fatigue, by clearing waste from tissues 
It has a lot of other health benefits. Click Here if you want to know more about it the health benefits :)

Stephanie xo

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