
Five things you may not know about me


I was tagged on Instagram to list 5 things that some people may not know about me, so I thought I would share it with all of you :)

1. I was an elite gymnast and represented Canada around the world in competitions (I'm on YouTube if you search my name Stephanie Pacitto)

2. I have had surgery on my knee 3 times after dislocating it.

3. I have a phobia of needles!!! Like Really bad!

4. My favorite animal is dolphins...Why?? Well because I am terrified of sharks and sharks are scared of dolphins #winning :P

5. When I was a toddler I fell down the stairs with the help of my brother and my head went through the drywall!! I think its safe to say I've been accident prone since a little kid ahaha...

Well there you have it! If you don't know now you know :)

Have a great day!

Stephanie xo

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