
What is L-Arginine?

Hey Everyone,

So I recently introduced a new supplement for my bikini prep. It's called L-Arginine. Funny story...My co-worker thought I was taking illegal substances because she said the bottle "looks like its hard core stuff" ahahaha...Her face was priceless! Well just to set the record straight I am NOT taking any illegal substances. I'm all about natural, nothing illegal is entering this fit chicks body! Any who if you are wondering what this supplement does here are a few things that L-Arginine helps with from a fitness perspective: 
  1.   promotes nitric oxide production, essential for optimal blood flow 
  2.   increases natural growth hormone secretion   
  3.   helps  increase  mass/strength/power 
  4.   can reduce muscle and general fatigue, by clearing waste from tissues 
It has a lot of other health benefits. Click Here if you want to know more about it the health benefits :)

Stephanie xo


Inside Fitness Hot and Fit 2014

Hey all,

Sorry I have been MIA beastettes! I have been busy with "life" as we call it, getting used to having to post on a Blog, signing up for FaceBook (Monika Renata) and overwhelmed with the opportunity of being chosen as one of Inside Fitness Magazines top 100 Hot and Fit of 2014. I am still in shock and truly honoured to be chosen :D!!! As they say "hard work reaps great rewards!" #CanNotBelieveIt #HotAndFit100 #InsideFitnessMagazine

So last night, Stephanie and I dressed up and made our way downtown to the magazine launch party. We met so many professionals in the industry and hoped to take many pictures BUT we ended up taking one #selfie wearing these SUPER AMAZING glasses with the event sponsors name on it. #NeonSport #DancedOurBootiesOff

Check out our only picture from the event (top right). LOL! #GirlsJustWannaHaveFun

**Be sure to grab your copy of the magazine. It's on newsstands now!**

Stay Fit. Stay Strong. Stay Feminine.
Monika xo


HELP! Bikini Suit Design


Well its that time...It's bikini suit design time! I'm 9 weeks out on Saturday so its time to start thinking of designing my suit! I am having a hard time deciding between 3 colors; Royal Blue, Green and Red?!?! I found the perfect design that I want for the suit (picture below) now I just need to make up my mind on the color. Please HELP!! What's your opinion?!

Have a great day!

Stephanie xo


Five things you may not know about me


I was tagged on Instagram to list 5 things that some people may not know about me, so I thought I would share it with all of you :)

1. I was an elite gymnast and represented Canada around the world in competitions (I'm on YouTube if you search my name Stephanie Pacitto)

2. I have had surgery on my knee 3 times after dislocating it.

3. I have a phobia of needles!!! Like Really bad!

4. My favorite animal is dolphins...Why?? Well because I am terrified of sharks and sharks are scared of dolphins #winning :P

5. When I was a toddler I fell down the stairs with the help of my brother and my head went through the drywall!! I think its safe to say I've been accident prone since a little kid ahaha...

Well there you have it! If you don't know now you know :)

Have a great day!

Stephanie xo


No time?! No Excuses!


"I don't have the time to workout and eat healthy" ...I hear this phrase on a daily basis. I get it you're busy, however don't think that everyone who is able to eat healthy and workout have all the time in the world. They are busy people as well! Take my Monday-Friday schedule for example:

  • 4:30 am rise and shine
  • 5am fasted cardio
  • 6:30am train clients
  • 8am-5pm work life
  • 5pm-5:45pm stuck in traffic :(:(
  • 6pm therapy A.K.A gym time!!
  • 8pm prep meals for next day
  • 8:30pm check emails and work on blog post for next day
  • 9:30pm bedtime!!
So again please tell me how you don't have the time!  I didn't even list all the other mandatory things I have to do during the day like eat, shower, get dressed, make time for family and friends, the list goes on. My point is you need to want it bad enough and you need to make time! I'm a strong believer in the saying "where there is a will, there is a way".

Have a great Monday!
Stephanie xo