
Protein Powders 101

This week is supplement week and the supplement I have chosen is something I'm sure everyone has heard of and is super important when it comes to fitness.. It's PROTEIN! It is important to make sure you are getting enough protein because it is what helps build muscle and what does muscle do people?!?! Well muscle burns fat! Not only does protein help build muscles but it helps repair them, especially after a session of weight lifting. I'm sure you all know you can get protein from foods like chicken, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, etc... but another great way is through protein powders. What I like great about these is A. there are tons of amazing flavors!!! and B. they are quick and easy, no cooking required! You might walk into a health store looking for a protein powder and be like "Woah! so many brands and flavors!! Which do I chose?" Well there are not only different brands and different flavors but there are also different types of protein powders. So I'm going to break it down for you:

Whey Protein- The most popular type of protein powder is whey protein, this protein powder is broken down into Concentrated protein, Isolate protein and Hydrolysate. So you're asking yourself which one do I pick?! Well that depends on many things; your goal, budget and allergies. Allergies? Yes and here's why, since whey concentrates has a decent amounts of lactose, if you have a lactose intolerance then you should probably avoid this type of protein. In regards to isolates they undergo more processing, which makes them more expensive and can also lose some health-promoting compounds found in concentrates; however, isolates have a higher amount of protein per serving and are a cleaner form of protein. When I say "cleaner" what I mean is there is very little fats and carbs versus a concentrate protein. This is important for those who are calorie restricting and want to consume pretty much just protein (FYI concentrate protein has about 5 grams of carbs per serving which may not seem like a lot but 2 shakes a day adds up to half of an apple).  Whey isolates, and particularly hydrolysate, are also more rapidly absorbed by the body and create a more profound insulin response versus a concentrate. I personally believe that because isolates and hydrolate proteins are easier and quickly absorbed its best to have as a post-workout. I use an isolate but its basically personal preference :)

Egg Protein- If you choose this type of protein make sure it's made from pure egg whites. Egg protein powder is lactose-free which is awesome for those who have an allergy. Egg protein powder doesn't contain much carbohydrates, with only 2 grams per scoop! Another reason someone might prefer egg protein powder is that because it's made from egg whites only, there is less fat and cholesterol. Egg protein powder, especially those made from free range eggs, contain considerable amounts of vitamins A, B and D!! Say what?! Yes you get vitamins as well :) It has also been found that eggs sourced from pasture-raised chickens have higher amounts of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, as compared to eggs harvested from factory-farmed poultry, cool eh! I myself have never tried an egg protein powder but I'm sure there are a variety of flavors that are yummy!

Casein Protein- This is known as the “slow” protein. This is due to the fact that it is the slowest digesting protein there is, which is why casein is not recommended for the meals around your workout (you want fast and easy digestive protein when finished your workout).
However, casein is an ideal choice when you don’t care about digestion speed, or when you just purposely want protein to digest slowly. For this reason, casein is a perfectly fine choice for when you need a non-workout related protein source, like just during the day as part of any normal meal.

Soy Protein-  This type of protein is preferably used by females more than males because of the estrogen. I hear this protein getting a lot of negative reviews :( ...Studies have shown that this protein isn't as effective as a whey or egg protein powder, but it is still a source of protein which in my opinion is better than no protein at all, right?...As you probably guest soy protein is made from Soy beans, shocker! lol..there are 3 types of soy protein powder; Soy Protein Concentrate, Soy Protein Isolate and Textured Soy Protein. Soy protein concentrate is what is essentially left at the end of the de-fatting process (too bad this can't be done on human fat lol). Soy concentrate contains at least 65% protein and most of the carbohydrates contained in the soybeans. As with whey protein isolate, soy protein isolate is the most pure and refined soy available. Soy isolates are made from the de-fatted beans, but with most of the other ingredients removed, leaving almost a pure protein source. Carbohydrates are removed from soy protein isolates so there is less of a soy-bean taste with this particular form. I have never tried a soy protein powder but if someone does let me know what you think :)

The picture below shows other options of protein powders. The ones I've chose to talk about above, I find are the most popular :) If you have question you can comment on the post or shoot me an email!

F.S.F Blogger xo


Looking for Personal Trainer?

Hey everyone,

So I received a ton of emails and phone calls yesterday after posting my clients transformation. If you want to inquire about personal training please contact me by phone at 416-389-0072. I have special packages going on right now :)

F.S.F Blogger xo


My Clients 15lbs Transformation

It’s time to get inspired…..

Everyone meet the gorgeous Candice! I started training Candice about 3 months ago, since then she has lost 15lbs! Before I started working with Candice she never exercised and her diet wasn’t exactly the greatest. Now she has completely changed, she exercises regularly and eats a well-balanced diet. I am so proud of this beauty she has worked so hard to get where she is and is continuing to commit to this new healthy lifestyle!

There are no magic pills people you have to work for it and Candice is a perfect example!
F.S.F Blogger xo

Designed my own shoes!

Okay how awesome is this! Designing your own shoes!! What more could a Fitastionista (I made that up BTW) ask for! I need feedback on which ones to get!?!?!? Send me an email or leave a comment on what the ones you like best  :)

Healthy Crabby Lobster Salad

I made this yesterday for my meals during the week. Its super easy and yummy (if you like crab and lobster..lol) To be honest I never follow recipes I usually just add whatever I want until I think it tastes good! Here's my recipes:
  • 1 cup sliced carrots
  • 1/2 cup green olives
  • 1 yellow pepper, chopped
  • 1 cup cherry tomato's sliced
  • 1 pack low sodium crab
  • 1 pack low sodium lobster
  • 1/2 avocado, chopped
  • dash of garlic powder
  • chopped parsley
  • ground pepper
  • olive oil (about 1/2-1 tbsp.)
  • Balsamic vinegar (I put about 3 tbsp.)

Mix all ingredients together :)


Me in the good old days

That feeling of success and accomplishment

Hey everyone!
Alright so I hit 90 000 views yesterday! So excited! I love that people actually have an interest in reading what I have to say. I'm also very excited because the number of clients for my personal training business has significantly increased! I'm thinking of hiring someone to join me :)
I want to thank everyone for all the support and love, you are all truly awesome!
F.S.F Blogger xo


Fashion Friday


Every girl has to own a pair of jegging's in every color! They are super comfortable, almost like wearing sweatpants :)

Suplement of the week

Happy Friday!

About 2 weeks ago I started taking more than just a multi vitamin and started researching other vitamins and supplements that will be beneficial to my health. Being a former athlete I wish I had known how important nutrition and vitamin/supplements are for energy and performance, but unfortunately I was never informed and was way to busy to even research it. Anyways I'm going to start doing posts 1-2 times per week on vitamins and supplements that are good and ones that are not good.

What is the supplement this week? Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids.

No people these do NOT make you fat, the phrase "you need to eat fat to lose fat" refers to getting your daily intake of fatty acids. They are important for all systems in your body in order to function properly (skin, respiratory system, circulatory system, brain and organs). There are two types of fatty acids that are essential for the body but that your body can not actually produce on its own, Bummer! These are omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids, they are important for brain development, your immune system function and your blood pressure. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in foods like: Grains, Brazilian nuts, Green Leafy vegetables, Hempseeds, Pumpkin seeds, Walnuts, Flaxseeds. Omega-6 fatty acids are best found in seeds, nuts, lettuce, broccoli, kale, and in certain raw vegetable oils. However there is a rule when taking fatty acids and that rule is; you should be eating about twice as much omega-6 as omega-3, so that your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is 2:1..got it?
Last but not least is Omega-9 fatty acids, these bad boys are non essential fatty acids which basically means they are made up naturally by the body, pretty cool eh? What I love best about Omega-9 fatty acids is that they are found in some of my favorite foods like avocados, pecans, almonds, cashews,and macadamia nuts.
You can also find Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids in a pill form if you prefer pill popping lol :)  
There you have it so make sure you are getting your omega 3-6-9 fatty acids!
F.S.F Blogger xo


I have a serious obsession with these bars! Like I'm addicted! They are super yummy, come in all different flavours, high in protein, high in fibre and have natural ingredients! Seriously what more could a girl ask for!


Personal Training

I've received a couple emails asking if I was a still in personal training...Well yes I am and I am always taking in new clients :) For more info please feel free to contact me by phone at 413-389-0072 or by email at fitstrongsexyblog@gmail.com.


Friday night I felt burnt out so I decided after my morning workout on Saturday and Sunday to just relax and do nothing but watch TV. So that's exactly what I did :) I started watching Sons of Anarchy and well I'm addicted! Not usually my type of show but its really good!


No Bake Protein Bars

Came up with my own recipes for these bad boys! So yummy!

  • 2 cups of oats (I blended into flour in magic bullet)
  • 1/2 cup natural peanut
  • 4 scoops of chocolate cookie dough protein powder
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • small handful unsweetened dark chocolate chips
  • unsweetened shredded coconut to sprinkle on top

  1. line baking dish with parchment paper
  2. mix all ingredients except coconut
  3. flatten mix into dish
  4. sprinkle with shredded coconut
  5. freeze for at least 30 min
  6. cut into bars
  7. ENJOY!


Upper Body Workout


· Shoulder press 4 sets (15-12-12-10)

· Cable side raise 4 sets (15-12-12-10)

· Cable front raise 4 sets (15-12-12-10)

· Rear delt fly on machine 4 sets (15-12-12-10)

· Bent over rear delt fly with DBs 4 sets (15-12-12-10)

· Lying triceps extension 4 sets (15-12-12-10)

· Cable underhand triceps extension 4 sets (15-12-12-10)

· Full sit- up on stability ball 3 x 50

· Double crunch 3 x 50

black, grey and red


Killer abs workout followed by a healthy dinner :)

I had a killer abs workout yesterday! Here is the break down:

Warm up/cardio- StairMaster 30 min HIIT
3x 10 straight hanging leg lifts
3x 30 stability ball crunches
3x 20 straight leg pike ups
3x 20 oblique crunch with leg lifts
3x 1 min plank with weight on back

My post workout meal was dinner...I had grilled chicken breast, baked sweet potato and veggies :)

morning smoothie


Circuit Training


Rice Cake Obsession


So I have a rice cake obsession! I love them because there healthy, a variety of flavours and they are so yummy!
Top Left- tomato basil rice cake with sliced avocado, tomato, 1 egg (microwaved, 2 slices turkey bacon
Middle- cheddar cheese rice cake with hummus, sliced avocado and sliced grilled chicken breast
Bottom Left- chocolate caramel rice cake with all natural peanut butter and 1/2 sliced banana


Fashion Friday

Thursday work outfit

new years eve outfit :)

Pre and post workout snacks

So I received an email asking what I eat before and what I eat after a workout. Well a pre workout snack I like to eat something not too filling but that will provide me with energy. I usually have 1/2 banana with about 1 tbsp. of all natural peanut butter on a rice cake. This provides me with mainly carbs and fats because those are the main source for energy and fuel, and a little bit of protein from the peanut butter. As for a post workout snack I also have a protein shake to help repair and build my muscles along with the other 1/2 of the banana for the potassium which helps with muscle soreness :)
pre workout snack

post workout snack

First workout of the year!

January 1st and its the first workout of the year! Okay everyone time to get off the couch and get your bottom to the gym! Get back on track with your diet, eating natural foods! Less refined sugars, more veggies, lean proteins and healthy fats! It's legs/glutes and cardio...perfect workout to start off the year!

New workout hat..

Socializing at the gym is okay but If you find yourself socializing too much then seriously invest in one of these! Sounds weird but i find it helps :)